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Gex fangames thread

Started by Retrofuge, November 10, 2024, 07:26:28 PM

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I just wanted to start a thread of Gex fan projects, there's not many and some which are unreleased/incomplete, but it's nice to know there has been efforts over the years. I will start with a list, since I wanted to give more attention to the community fan efforts. Keep in mind, all the highlighted notes has links to the downloads of the projects to try out yourself. It's really cool to find all these projects, hoping there will be more people who will join the fan creation fray. Maybe, we might get an bigger more completed fangame package out of the game series one day.

Gex The Gecko in Sonic 1

This is more of a rom hack than a fangame but it's worth putting on the list. The hack created by JoenickROS and many contributors such as Pacmanfan64 and Gecko1993, which is basically what it says on the tin. A rom hack replacing Sonic with Gex, which comes with original animations to boot, with HUD changes more reminiscent of the first game. It's very good rom hack attempt inserting the titular character in other games, while not the first. It's probably the best version out there.

Gex: Return of the Gecko

Probably the first 3D attempt and probably most under the radar, Gex: Return of the Gecko which acts a fan sequel for the series, which takes 10 years after the events of the third sequel, which his minions attempt to revive Rez, and it's up to Gex to stop their plans. At least, that's the proposed plot. The project was created by VoroneTZ, despite the the game is in very early alpha.  It looks like a neat proof-of-concept, which seems it could be developed into something better.

Gerx (Gex Fangame)

Grex which is might be a typo was a fangame developed by 2nd Dimension Ghost back in 2015 which was mostly an 3D demo made in a custom engine by the developer. It was pretty interesting due to the most 3D fangame efforts weren't very common back in the day, a lot of most attempts probably were never posted online or lost media. While, not much could be said about this one. It was interesting curiosity which should be worth mentioning, and far as I'm concerned, the first 3D fangame.  It's pretty unknown what it would have been, if it continued development.

Jex  (Jex the Jackal)

Jex  was an nice little experiment into making Gex 4 by Toastline which was a nice proof of concept. The game features the typical gameplay mechanics from the 3D titles. However, it brings back the capability of climbing on every wall similarly to original Gex. It was a pretty cool project made in 2021. It was uploaded to the #GexWeek GameJam which you can play in your browser today.

Simply put, this Gex fangame was created by Tonem_45 in Media Molecule's Dreams, you know the creators of Little Big Planet. It's pretty simple remake which features the original levels in the second game, and has an basic character controller and world to play around in. It's available if you have Dreams on PS4, and like most fan recreations in the engine, here's hoping it continued since then.

Friday Nights Funkin' Channel Z Mod
An original Friday Nights Funkin' mod which was created at the height of the popularity and no surprise that Gex mod would have been made eventually, while having a lot of promising concepts and art style seemed to be going places. The project seemingly was put on hold and faded into obscurity, but by the looks of things, there was a lot of things going for it, that makes you wish it finished.

Gex: Enter the Dreamverse
Another Gex fangame created in the Dreams Engine by Shadowjinjoyu which features and original story, that has been in the works since the early 2022, featuring original levels  and little homages to previous entries, with labours of love put into it.  If you want to know more, it can be found in the original thread here.

If anyone would want to share their projects feel free to do so. Also, maybe it might inspire others to make their own projects. It would be nice to find more Gex fan projects.


Damn there are quite a few more Gex fan games than I thought. Thank you for sharing.
